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Contact Address


Paharpur Business Centre, New Delhi

Website: www.pbcnet.com Email: meattle@pbcnet.com

Instant Hi-Tech Office Facilities, State-of-the-art telecommunication facilities, Allied Services - Tours & Travel / Workface / F & B / Recruitment & Training

Paladion Networks Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai

Website: www.paladionnetworks.com Email: rajat.mohanti@paladion.net

Network security

Pan Business Lists Pvt Ltd, New Delhi

Website: www.panbusiness.net Email: pbl@ndf.vsnl.net.in

Data collection, Data Management Services

PAR Computer Sciences (Intl.) Ltd., Mumbai

Website: www.parcomputers.com Email: par@parcomputers.com

IT Enabled (Web Content Development, Back Office Operations, Data Processing/Conversion, Medical & Legal Transcription), Web Technologies/Internet/Intranet, E-mail Solutions, E-commerce/EDI, RDBMS, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, ERP/MRP Solutions

Parabola Technologies Pvt. Ltd,  Mumbai

Website: saurabh@hinitron.com Email: saurabh@hinitron.com

Web enabled applications, E-business solutions, Embedded systems, Systems software device /drive

Paragon Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

Website: www.paragonsolutionsindia.com Email: avinash@paragaonsolutions.com

Internet Computing (COM/DCOM, Java, VBS, MS Transaction Server), Speech Processing (MS SAPI, IAPI, VC++, MS Com, LSAP), Software Engineering & Process, Languages : VC++, C++, VB, Java, GUI Development

Parametric Technology Research & Development (India) Limited,  Pune

Website: www.ptc.com Email: aparasni@india.ptc.com

Packaged Software, Offshore Maintenance Turnkey Projects

Paramount Informatics (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai

Website: www.paramountworld.com Email: govind@paramountworld.com

IT Enabled Services, On-Site Services, Software Development, Internet Programming

Parsec Technologies (India) Ltd., Gurgaon

Website: www.parsectech.com Email: prabhat.a@parsec.co.in

end to end solutions for call centers

Patni Computer Systems Ltd., Mumbai

Website: www.patni.com Email: naren.patni@patni.com

S/w consultancy & Development, Re-engineering & Maintenance of Client Applications and Products, ERP , CRM SCM Solutions, Embedded Systems, E-Commerce, IT Enabled & NSM, GIS

Pentamedia Graphics Limited, Chennai

Website: www.penta-media.com Email: vchandra@penta-media.com

Education Training, Systems Integration, Process Control, CAD/ CAM/ CAE/ GIS

Pentasoft Technologies Limited, Chennai

Website: www.pentasoftech.com Email: dkannan@pentasoftech.com

Internet & e-services, ASP/ISP, Solutions to Banking, Financial, Insurance, Business Application, Logistic & Port Management, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Hospitality segments, Solutions to telecommuncation/Networking Technology, CAD/CAM/CAE, GIS/EDM/ESA

Perisol Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd., Pune

Website: www.perisol.com Email: perisol@vsnl.com

Development, Porting and Test Projects

Persistent Systems Pvt. Ltd., Pune


Website: www.persistent.co.in Email: info@persistent.co.in


Database Internals and Query Processing, System Software / Component Technology, Internet Applications, Directory Technology (LDAP)

PG Softech Limited, New Delhi

Website: www.pgsoftech.com Email: contact@pgsoftech.com

High-end career training, On-site services, IBM E-business Authorised training, E-business solutions

Philips Software Centre Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

Website: www.philipssoftware.com Email: sashidhar.kambham@philips.com

Use Interface design, DGC Systems, Picture processing, Digital Video Broadcasting / Reception, Set Top Box, Industrial Automation, Embedded Software

Phoenix Global Solutioins (India) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

Website: www.pgsolutions.com Email: rshastri@banglore.phl.com

Professional Services - Business Practice Consulting, IT Consulting, Network Services, Competence Centers, Industry Solutions, Multimedia Services, Educational Services

Phoenix IT Solutions Ltd., Vizag (A.P.)

Website: www.phoenix.co.in Email: muralig@phoenix.co.in

IT enabled services, Software integration, MIS / DSS for Power & Telecom sectors, Software for Financial services

Pipal Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd,  New Delhi

Website: www.pipalsoftware.com Email: pipal@pipalsoftware.com

Software Development Services, Internet / Web enablement; Re-engineering / Porting Services ; Resource Provisioning Services

Planet PCI Infotech Ltd, New Delhi

Website: www.planet-pci.com Email: rashmi@prime-pci.com

Customised Software Development, Maintenance and Modifications to existing programs, Conversion of applications involving changes of OS, Language, RDBMS, Data Entry and OCR

PlanetAsia.com Limited, Bangalore

Website: www.Planetasia.com Email: Contactus@Planetasia.com

Web services, eJuvenate, COntent Management, Enterprise Information Portals, Outsourced Product Development, eCRM, eProcurement, Enterprise Application Integration

Polaris Software Lab Ltd, Chennai

Website: www.polaris.co.in Email: arun.jain@polaris.co.in

Financial Software Services, Product Migration, ERP, WEB Bridge

Power-com Technologies (P) Ltd, Hyderabad

Website: www.powercomtech.com Email: powercomindia@powercomtech.com

Internet & e-commerce, Data mining & Dataware housing, Client -server solutions

Powersolv India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon

Website: www.powersolv-inc.com Email: anilolindia.com

Web enabling solutions, CRM, RDBMS, Re- Engineering, Middleware application

Pradot Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

Website: www.pradot.com Email: tpp@pradot.com

Medical Transcription, Turnkey Consultancy on Medical Transcription

Pramati Technologies (P) Limited,  Hyderabad

Website: www.pramati.com Email: info@pramati.com

Java, Middleware, Internet/ Application Server

Premier Technology Group Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur

Website: www.premiertechnologygroup.com Email: magnesh@ez-data.com

eCRM Solutions for Insurance & Financial sector, Client Server & web based Solutions, Data Warehousing, Data Mining & Data Migration, Mobile Computing

PricewaterhouseCoopers Software Pvt. Ltd.,  Calcutta

Website: www.pwcglobal.com Email: abhijit.roy@in.pwcglobal.com

ERP implementation, E-business, Datawarehousing and Data Mining, Client-server development, Information systems planning

Primark India Pvt. Ltd.,  Bangalore

Website: www.tfn.com Email: Sandhya.Vasudevan@tfn.com

Financial services

Princeton Software Exports Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai

Website: www.princetonglobal.com Email: sgupta@webfyservices.com

Offshore and Onsite software project execution; Training and product distribution; IS Audit

Progressivexperts Infolabs India Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad

Website: www.progressivexperts.com Email: praveen.sreepuram@progressivexperts.com

GIS, Application Development, CAD, IT Enabled Services

Prologic First India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi

Website: www.prologicfirst.com Email: amlan@prologicfirst.com

Client-server development, Packaged software for hotels, clubs and restaurants, Intranet and Internet based transaction processing, Internet, E-commerce

Prologix Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow

Website: www.prologixsoft.com Email: vinamra@prologixsoft.com

Speech Processing, Computer Telephony Integration, Value added solutions for Telecom services providers

Pronet Systems Ltd., Chennai

Website: www.pronet-system.com Email: pronet@md4.vsnl.net.in

ERP development with all features for middle and small industries, Super market with all features.

Proton Solutions Limited, Bangalore

Website: www.protonsolutions.com Email: protonsolutions@vsnl.com

Java, Microsoft, Lotus notes, Oracle

PSI Data Systems Ltd., Bangalore

Website: www.psi.soft.net Email: venky@psi.soft.net

Internet, Java and client-server application development, both offshore and onsite development, Network management solutions, Risk servers, Automatic teller machines, banking and financial services, retail banking and custodial services, Smart Cards

Pyxis Technology Solutions Ltd, Vishakhapatnam

Website: www.pyxistechsol.com Email: satish@pyxistechsol.com

Client-server application, Wireless communication, Networking solutions, E-commerce solutions

QAI (India) Limited, New Delhi

Website: www.qaiindia.com Email: mohnot@qaiindia.com

Software Process Improvement, SEI CMM / ISO 9000 Implementation, Testing, Quality Assurance

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