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Your Learning Style

By Dr. Jeffrey L. Myers

We All Learn Differently

I often use an example in corporate seminars of what happens when you get a new computer. There are four basic responses:

1. Some people would immediately call their friends and assemble a group to figure it out together.

2. Some people would carefully read the manual and ponder it for a while, getting involved slowly.

3. Some people would seek to discover why the computer works as it does. They might take a class or study the diagrams and programming instructions.

4. Some people would just toss the manual aside and play with the computer until they figured it out.


Which of these four styles best explains what you would do?

Enhancing the Four Learning Styles

Each of the above responses represents one of four basic learning styles. Let's look at these styles and how you can improve your learning ability depending on which one describes you best.

Activists - Those who "call in the troops" are called activists. They learn best when they can be involved in teamwork, bounce ideas off of others, and gain new experiences together.

How activists can learn more effectively: Activists should seek out learning partners and gather a team of people around them who will challenge them to be their best.

Reflectors - Those who read and observe before acting are called "reflectors." They learn best when they can listen, observe and think things through. Reflectors need time to mull things over.

How reflectors can learn more effectively: Reflectors should spend time reading, listening to tapes and lectures, and thinking, and then approach others for counsel with a few carefully chosen questions.

Theorists - Those who want to understand how the computer works before diving in are called "theorists." They learn best when they can understand the basic theory behind an idea, and when they can analyze and generalize their experiences.

How theorists can learn more effectively: Theorists naturally seek the meaning behind events. As they discover the "big picture," however, they need to devise two or three action points to focus their learning.

Pragmatists - Those in the fourth group are called "pragmatists." They learn best in real-life situations when they can immediately implement what they have learned and practice it.

How pragmatists can learn more effectively: Pragmatists may learn best in "chunks," when they take one idea, try it out and learn from the experience. They should seek to go and work alongside the Solomons in their lives.

As you discover your learning style, you may find that you are comfortable with more than one way of learning. But the key is, do whatever it takes to enhance your ability to learn.

When you stop learning, you die intellectually. On the other hand, those who love to learn experience every day in a new and exciting way!





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