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I confess that sometimes I just have to stop and laugh when I see someone exhibiting strong Dominant behavior. Perhaps that is because I show some of it myself. The Dominants can be recognized by their confident walk, and the authoritative stance they maintain.

“Such people don't want to waste much time on trivial activity with no obvious results or converse with people who have nothing to say of any consequence. They accomplish more than any of the other personality types, can quickly assess what needs to be done, and are usually right.”
-Florence Littauer

They work long and hard. Multi-tasking is second nature for them. You may see a Dominant eating lunch while reading a school book and carrying on a conversation with someone—all at the same time. This is normal for everyone to do some of the time, but the driven Dominant does it constantly. They accomplish an amazing amount of work in a very short time.

This means that Dominants can easily run over Solids without even realizing it. The deliberate Solid needs only to compliment the Dominant on their diligence however, and they will suddenly be seen as a wise person. If this wasn't so true it would be funny. Perhaps the Dominant personality has more weaknesses than strengths, yet we could not function without them. They are confident and can make others confident as well. They are driven people with goals, ready to tackle any problem. Gary Smalley likens them to the lion. They are purposeful and productive.

The Christian young woman who identifies with this personality type can find in God's Word the means of Christian growth, the way to develop a calm spirit of inner beauty (Philippians 2:13). “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” The words of James 1:19 may be helpful: “...Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.”

Dominants must remember that exhaustion is not next to godliness, and getting everything done on your to-do list doesn't guarantee success in life. They are hard workers and this is very good, but they can tend to always be the boss and take control of everything. I am not saying that having strong leaders is wrong—assertive Dominants are vital to the Body of Christ. The key for them is remembering Who is ultimately in control, and constantly relinquishing their own desires into the Lord's hands and trusting Him alone for everything. The key for the Dominants is trusting and surrendering to God. They can also claim 1 John 1:9 and Provervs 2:6, 9.

There are so many different ways that personalities have been defined, and while the previous is probably the most common, the following classification is good, as no person is 100% Solid, etc. Most people have a nice mixture of 2 or 3 types, as is explained in this article: Myers-Briggs Teaches Typing




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