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You can easily picture a Solid lying in a hammock with a glass of lemonade, dreamily watching the sun go down. They love peace and quiet. No conflicts, smooth sailing, avoiding any bumps in the road—that's the Solid's ideal. They will do anything to avoid fights and arguments, and it bothers them when everyone is not getting along. I can picture a Solid often wondering, if not asking, “Is everything okay between us?” Rest and relaxation are great loves for them. You don't see Solids getting into trouble with authority very often. They are the people who you see at the edge of the Expressive's audience, and you want to go over and hug them. They do not demand attention, yet they are worth paying heed to because they often possess a marvelous sense of humor, keen perspective on life, and thoughtful ways. While the Expressive would bask in a lively group of girls, the Solid would more likely be seen leaning against the wall, enjoying her own private thoughts.

“They do appreciate being noticed once in awhile, being included in conversations that they won't push into on their own, and being told they are of value and that their opinion is respected.” -Florence Litteaur

I compare a Solid to a chameleon. They can blend into any situation, “changing color” as it were, depending on the people and circumstances. They truly fulfill Christ's command to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. Easygoing and well-loved, she often radiates the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. Gary Smalley calls the peaceful Solid a Golden Retriever, who bends so easily to any situation and tends to be very sensitive. One weakness in the Solid's personality is a lack of enthusiasm. You see this type sitting on the couch, not jumping up and down. An excited Solid is a rare sight. J They are worn out just thinking about the Dominant's constant racing about.


Other trouble areas of the Solid appear to contradict each other. Because they long to see every conflict quickly and painlessly resolved, they can appear as if they do not know how to think for themselves. Yet another fault is their stubbornness to change. They are the type who go to the ice cream shop and order vanilla every time. For the Expressive (who orders a different flavor every visit) this is rather astonishing. Solids need to learn to communicate and guard against laziness. Scripture that may help them is James 1:5-8.

Solid people are conservative and usually neat, efficient, and dependable. Miss Solid has some natural inner beauty. Compassion for others is an area she needs to improve. Romans 12:10 says, “Be kindly affectionate one to another...in honor preferring one another.”






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