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When I read the definitions of the various personality types, I tried to think of friends who might fit into those groups. It is easy to decide who is Expressive—because that is part of who they are! They like to be noticed, and often these people are the easiest to identify simply because they are in the spotlight. Everyone notices the Expressive. They enjoy talking, and generally “light up the room.” They are fun to be around because they love to have fun! It's been said that everyone loves an Expressive. 

“They live for the externals and want you to get excited over their clothes, sense of humor, or new red sports car. If you are an Analytical, you will not naturally be given to praising the obvious and will feel that to laugh at the Expressive's jokes and stories will only encourage them to babble on.”

-Florence Littauer

I think that there are many people who possess some Expressive characteristics, and this personality type is probably easiest to identify in people because it is one that demands attention. The Expressive is the one who makes the grand entrance, has the circle of people all listening raptly to her stories, and is everybody's friend. They are people who are “up”: cheery, full of hope and optimism. Gary Smalley compared these popular, “life of the party” people to otters in his classification system. These people are recognized by being inspirational, energetic, and the kind of people who would say, “Trust me, it will work out.”

The Expressive's shortcomings would include a tendency to waste time, stretching the truth, selfishness, and irresponsibility. Because they are so bubbly and talkative they can easily dominate conversations and intimidate others. If you are an Expressive you may have to watch carefully to ensure these sins do not gain a foothold in your life. Remember Philippians 4:13.

“Miss Expressive has more natural inner-beauty qualities than the other temperaments. She can work on calmness and on controlling her tongue. She will find help in God's Word, particularly in Colossians 4:6, ‘Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.'”





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