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You can easily picture an Analytical stating “A place for everything and everything in its place.” Orderliness and propriety are important to this person. The Analytical loves music and art. The top violinist at an institute of music is probably at least part Analytical, and the appreciation of beauty and music will be a great help to him. The dedication to perfection and things done right is one of the valuable traits of this personality.

This…person is usually very neatly put together and intellectual looking, quiet, reserved, and a little ill-at-ease in social situations where they don't know everyone. They would rather talk quietly with one person in depth than banter with a group. They consider compliments on clothes and external niceties to be trivial and want to hear about the inner virtues of integrity, wisdom, and spiritual values. They often marry Expressives who can't find their way inside these deep virtues and who keep telling them how cute they look. When we don't understand these differences, we are giving out silver boxes that nobody wants. The Analytical is very sensitive and easily hurt and tends to take what others say in humor as personal and hurtful. Since Expressives and Dominants say whatever comes to their minds without weighing their words, they often deflate the Analytical who is waiting for someone to hand him a silver box that says, “I understand you.”
- Florence Littauer

The Analytical girl is the thinker, the philosopher, and the analyzer. They are the ones who go to the heart of the issue and relish long heart-to-heart chats with a close friend. She is a wonderful asset to the Body of Christ in many ways. She is often blessed with much talent and intellect, and finishes her own projects as well as the Expressive's. She has enormous self-discipline and loyalty, and is a good listener. Gary Smalley likens the Analytical to a beaver, who is busy, and a precise perfectionist. Analyticals are the ones who have every “I” dotted and every “t” crossed. The mirror is not clean until that streak is gone etc. They are reserved and extremely introverted.

Gloominess, irritability, and depression characterize Miss Analytical. She is often sad and unhappy. Analytical will have the most work for the Holy Spirit to do in developing qualities of inner beauty in her life.

The Analytical needs to be careful not to procrastinate, or put unrealistic demands on others. They often have a poor self-image, and can be stubbornly legalistic. A verse that would be helpful for her is Colossians 3:15-16. Dear girls, many say that the Analytical has the greatest potential for success, if only she will not give in to the voice saying that she is “no good”. A verse for us is 2 Corinthians 3:11. I submit that a key to maintaining sanity as an Analytical is to possess an irrepressible sense of humor. Without it life is off-balance; it is all serious and sad with no laughter and fun. As an Analytical, being able to laugh at myself is always an amusing pastime and a great help. 






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