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Planning for 10th class students


10th is an Important class in everyone’s life

 When you are studying in schools you feel everything is new around you each year. New syllabus, new teachers, new subjects, more challenges and many more. Everything seems different. But Now when you are in 10th standard not only the school and your teachers are responsible for completing the curriculum, you must also take initiative. Plan to read through more of your English and other language text books, go over the grammar exercises, read your history lessons (like a story or noval), travel through geography, understand the economics and consider how much of it you can understand yourself. Don’t avoid Maths because certain aspects are extensions or applications of what you have already learnt in earlier classes. This does not mean that you finish the syllabus on your own but to the extent that is possible, you can work ahead.  You have textbooks, refreshers, guide-books, sample questions, previous years’ questions, tuitions, test packets. The problem is not in buying them or in signing up for classes, but that all of that has to be absorbed, analyzed and put to the best use by you. It is better to read one good book ten times than ten mediocre books once.


Plan Your Syllabus

 Take the syllabus; break it up into digestible modules, so that you can complete one revision by December at least. If you are already attending some classes, they may also be working like this. But please remember that attending school, and then tuitions, is not your study time. Your own study time is a personal commitment for which you have to set aside time everyday. Each day as it passes is history, so do not expect to waste time and still be cool for the examination. Work regularly and sincerely, summarize and abbreviate (maybe in the form of important points) your material, and you will find that it lodges more firmly in your mind. Subjects like the sciences, geography, economics and geometry can be remembered through diagrammatic and visual references. For syllabus and study planning you can also join our e-tuition.


Before Final Exams

 The selection test, the preparation/ Pre-Board / Mock finals, are to be taken seriously. Research and review of previous years’ records reveal that there is very little deviation between your Pre-Boards and Boards. At this stage, when you spot any weak areas, work harder on them.

 After this stage, the best approach is not to try and cram new things. Don’t push yourself to learn all those things you had ignored so far. In doing so, you will not only continue to be weak in those areas, you would also have lost precious time that could have been utilized in strengthening yourself in the topics and chapters that you are confident about. Remember to allocate importance to chapters/ topics, as per the weightage/ marks they attract in the Board exams.


Practice Practice and Practice

 While you are commuting between school/ tuitions and home, get into the habit of revising formulae, definitions, practicing your multiplication tables, revising synonyms, antonyms, etc… once you get into the groove, you will find endless possibilities.

 Practice writing answers; work out sample papers (yes, even when the syllabus is not over, work on the questions from chapters that are over). After a test, if you are disappointed with your performance, objectively assess where you went wrong – did you study less, were you not as confident or did you take a wrong approach? Take remedial action immediately. Don’t delude yourself that you can make the problem disappear by ignoring it or laying the blame at another’s door.


When you passed your 10th

 You will be called upon to decide on whether you want to study science, arts or commerce. All streams are good but you should be clear about your reason for choosing a particular stream and understand if they can lead you to your goals. In formulating your goals you can ask yourself, "What do I like best? Am I strong in science? In maths? In the social sciences? If so, what choices should I make for college?"

 The way you perform in classes 9-10 build the foundation on which career options and directions are selected. Performance in subjects of class 10 lead to curriculum choices in classes XI-XII, which add up to college choices and these lead to career possibilities. Keep an open mind about your career choices, and do your best in class 10, so that you can exercise your options.







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