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Top 10 Questions asked in Interviews



An interview is a platform for an employer to check out a prospective employee and to gauge whether he or she will be able to fit into the company’s work-place. A few questions that you can expect in your interview are:

 Why do you want to work for us?

Explain why you see the company as an attractive employer. Avoid mentioning financial renumeration-instead talk about things like the company culture, training program, company structure or the company's ethic. Obviously these need to be relevant and well-researched before hand.


What do you know about our company?

 For this, you obviously need to do your home-work in advance. Research as much information as possible – including products, history, size, financial status, reputation, image, management , people, and philosophy. Remember- You need to be excited about the company and project a positive image to the interviewer. 


Where do you see yourself in five years' time?

 Think about where you really want to be within a company: in a lead role with a team under you; or a lead consultant; or a director of the company. Be ambitious but realistic and have direction in your answer


 What are your strengths and weaknesses?

 This is a tricky one. The trick actually lies in projecting your strengths and weaknesses in such a manner that it brings out the best in you. Talk specifically about the positive things you've achieved to illustrate your strengths rather than generalising and make them relevant to the role you are going for. Try to show your weaknesses in a positive light and give examples of where you have addressed and overcome your weaknesses


Why did you apply for this job?

  While answering this one, focus on the actual content of the job, referring to the possibility of learning, new challenges, or the prospect of putting your previous experience to work in a new role. Appear confident and provide relevant examples to support your answer.


 Why are you leaving your current employer?

 Never say anything negative about any employer; stress what you are looking for, not what you are running away from. Give group answers if possible. Emphasise on “our” rather than “mine”.


Why should we hire you?

 Many companies ask this question to gauge a candidate’s strengths. Prepare a list of your strengths beforehand and think about how they relate to the job. Avoid being arrogant, but at the same time emphasise on your strengths with reference to the job that you are being interviewed forWhat motivates or drives you?

 For some people this could be learning or work/life balance, for others it could be money or professional acceleration. The answer really tells the interviewer about what makes someone tick. Not everyone wants to be a board director, and an interviewer isn't necessarily going to see it as a weakness if you don't. It's important to be honest.


 What interests do you have outside work?

  Your hobbies and interests can tell an employer a lot about you, including whether you are sociable or solitary, and whether you can take on 'leadership' roles. So you should think about which interests will paint the right picture of you given the position you are discussing.


 What would your ideal job be?

 Again, remember where you are! Describe the job in terms of the criteria they have used to describe their job. An ideal job might include things like challenging work, a fair rate of pay for the job, nice colleagues, good career prospects, good team atmosphere, opportunity to learn new skills, apply old skills, etc.






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